May 25, 2008

More Than Conquerors

Last night I was pondering how when we walk a trial we often fall into knowing more of it's pain as others walking similar trials seem to encircle our lives. I closed my eyes and imagined a gentle whirlwind with a mother inside. This whirlwind was speckled with beautiful flowers of all kinds, spinning about her. They were reflections of special moms that were also enduring hardships of unthinkable measures. With her arms out stretched, these flowers would gently brush against her and she would experience love, encouragement, laughter, tears and support as beautiful rays of light would streaming down offering peace & warmth. Now imagine yourself in the middle of this whirlwind and think of all the beautiful mom's that have and are encircling your life. I think it is a beautiful thing God sees when a loving whirlwind encircles around a hurting soul. This is what God intended in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. I read this last night from the book, "Beside Still Waters" and thought of all the special Mom's that I have read about through their blog sites. If you are one of those precious Mom's, I hope I can brush up against your life and encourage you by saying, "All your going through has a divine purpose... do not grow weary for many blessing lay ahead. MORE THAN CONQUERORS Romans 8:37 "The diamonds of divine promises glisten brightly when placed in the setting of personal trials. I thank God that I have undergone fearful depression. I know the borders of despair and the horrible brink of that dark gulf into which my feet have almost gone. Because of this, I have been able to help brothers and sisters in the same condition. I believe that the Christians' darkest and most dreadful experiences will lead them to follow Christ and become fishers of men (Mark 1:17). Keep close to your Lord and He will make every step a blessing. The Holy Scripture is full of narratives of trials. Your life will be garnished with trials, like a rose is with thorns, but provision is made in the Word for Satan's assaults. Confidently believe that Scripture's wise plan is not in vain. You will have to battle the same spiritual foes that assailed and buffeted saints in days past, but spiritual armor will be your safeguard in times of attack (Eph. 6:11) As the Spirit sanctifies us in spirit, soul, and body, we become more like the Master. We are conformed to Him not only in holiness and spirituality, but also in our experience of conflict, sorrow, agony, and triumph. Jesus was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin (Heb.4:15). Now we are to be made like Him. The Savior's public life begins and ends with trials. It commences in the wilderness in a contest with Satan (Matt. 4:1), and it ends in Gethsemane in a dreadful battle with the powers of darkness (John 17). If the Lord's victory was won on Golgotha in blood and wounds, surely our crown will not be won without wrestling and overcoming. We must fight if we would reign, and through the same conflicts that brought the Savior His crown, we will obtain the palm-branch of everlasting victory (Rev. 7:9)".

My Past Writings