September 8, 2008

Abby's 1st Day of School!!!

If someone would have told me a few months after Abby was born that she would be going to school some day, I don't think I would have believed them! Well here she is... 3yrs & 6 months to the date and just finished her 1st day of pre-school!  Whoa... now thats what I call a miracle! 

At 1st I was completely un-sure letting her go, I mean what could she benefit from going... Doc said she is at the maturity of an 8 month baby, she can't do what these pre-schoolers are able to do!  But then the voice in my heart spoke and I realized that it is so important to give her every possible option to become the best that she can be and if going to pre-school in a 3 & 1/2 old body with the mind of an 8 month old... so be it!  

By the by she loved it, was un-sure of it, and wanted to suck on everything she could get in her hands!  It was so fun watching her interact the best that she could, I was beeming on the inside and so proud of her.

I will be honest and say that I thought for a moment that I would be a little set back by the other little ones running around, painting, playing, dressing baby dolls, eating, drinking, sorting shapes and pretending... but I was pleasantly surprised at myself (it's totally the Lord), it didn't bother me at all!  Not many of the kids paid too much attention to her and when they did they were all very sweet.  I wish my Abby could run around and play dolls with the other pig-tailed cuties in her class, but I am just happy that she is there, proud that she is there, loved that she was there!  Thank you Jesus for my daughters life, her testimony and strength.  Thank you for this miracle... My widdo-one's in school!

I hope these photos bring ya as much joy as they did for me!

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