August 8, 2008

Wow, I am finally back!

Hi all!  I have been away for awhile visiting my mom in Durango for a few weeks.  This was a much needed time away for some R&R and fellowship.  Our drive began at 4:00am and ended up with us arriving just in time for lunch... and wouldn't you know Abby stayed awake from 4am - 10:30pm!!!  I could not believe how packed our van was with all of Abby's stuff!  Just amazing how much you need to take with you when traveling with our little angels.  

Have any of you been to Durango?  Oh it is so beautiful, everywhere you look you can see the wonders of Gods creation!!!  In every twist and turn you take down a winding road there is such a different pallet of beauty!  The air is so clean and fresh, thunder storms bring that wonderful smell of rain, it's green... green... green.... green... green and did I mention it is green!  Oh and the skies at night are so black that it makes the stars appear as if you can reach up and touch them!   Durango skies at night are filled with millions and millions and millions of stars and galaxies that are so visible and so close its spectacular!  Can you tell I didn't enjoy my trip? :)

The last day I was there I got to take a 40 mile ATV drive while my mom followed with Abbs in our car.  I could go on and on about every breath taking site I saw on that drive!

My dad is out for a visit now and I am enjoying spending time with him.  I had only one day to re-collect myself, unpack and pull my house back together before he came and now I am up early trying to get a post out so you all don't think I fell off the face of the earth.  

Abbs is still seizing.  She is much much better though... her seizures are down to 1 to 2 a day and just real quick ones... she seems to be handling the higher dose of meds better, but has extreme diarrhea.  I will be calling Dr. Devinskie this Friday to give him a report and see what direction he thinks we should go.

I will be posting photos of our trip a bit later when things slow down....  I just got a new computer, went from a Dell to a Apple and there is such a great learning curve... 

So with all the travel, our nurse quiting and trying to find another.... family visits and just life it's self, I am thankful to all that have sent e-mails to check in on us.  Next week I should be back to normal hopefully... well my normal... chat soon!  Tam

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