February 6, 2007


Good morning to all. As of today Abby is still seizure free! Thanks for all your continued prayers and encouragment! Keep them coming becasue as of the 8th of February we are going to experiment with pulling back on the Sabril. She is at the highest dose and Dr. Devinskie is wanting to reduce it a little to see if she can maintain without seizures. If not, we will go back to the orginal dose.

Come the end of March 07, we are planning on repairing her cleft. We have found a doctor with PSL who has been very encouraging and has high hopes for Abby. She has started to eat just a little by mouth and loves it! We have a lot to work on as there are 15 steps she needs to conqure in order to swallow correctly! It is amazing how intricate the swallowing process is! I am learning the hanywork of the human body as I go with all her past and present issues and am amazed at Gods' creation!

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