This was our 1st day at Boots and Saddles and I really like the facility! The surrounding area is beautiful, wide open space with lamas, baby sheep and lots of little baby horsy all around! Jacob and Joey had run of the barn with their new friends Keaton & Erin who live there.
Abby did for a short time enjoy her session around the outside arena, and even patted Tee Jay to "Walk On"! As soon as she was taken off she was put in her stroller and she completely conked out! She didn't even wake up when we put her in her car seat and slept the whole way home! She never does this, so it was a nice surprise, for her to get a nap and for me to know she worked hard bless her little heart!
If any mom's have the chance, work hard at trying to get hippotherapy for your little one! Abby with lots of aid, started to kick out to take steps and walk! You can read about that in an earlier post. It's so worth it, and so exhilarating to watch your little one on horse back! It's kinda expensive, but check to see if your insurance will pay for some and if you have Medicaid they should pick up the rest. Find a center that takes insurance and Medicaid (some don't, only cash.) You will have to get your pediatrician and or physical therapist to write a letter of medical necessity for this, but make sure they don't say "hippotherapy" just therapy or Medicaid won't pay!! Also, if you have Medicaid and are receiving in home therapy, the par for that will have to be released as Medicaid will only pay for one par at a time for therapy.