June 24, 2008

NYU Medical Center

Most of you are not aware, but we are off to NY this Sunday, June 29th. Abby's being admitted for an EEG/Video Monitor and will be seen by Dr. Devinskie in order to hopefully get some answers as to why she is seizing or why the low dose of Sabril is not working anymore. We will be there Sunday morning to Wednesday night, July 2nd. I ask that all would pray specifically for our flight safety there & back, answers to my questions and ease for Abby as some of you know the process of an EEG is not fun... for those of you who are unaware of the process... here's what they do. The technician measures the head and marks the points to which the 24 electrodes would be attached with a red pen. After marking, one at a time each electrode point gets a spot of adhesive then the electrode is placed and crimped into place while a device that looks suspiciously like a glue gun emitts cold air over the electrode. This is the part that is scary for Abby because its loud, very cold and smells awful! Have you ever got your nails done or a perm? Combine those two and rev up the smell x 10! This whole process takes about 1 hour. She then gets a streatchy white mesh cap that goes over her head. I figure it must feel like laying down with hard curlers in your hair for 3 days! The fun part is that they come loose and have to be re-applied! The process to take them off is awful! Her hair gets pulled and her skin is red and has small burns from the glue and the residue left is litteraly getting the "adhesive" out. It takes forever and is not a fun process for her or me! I have two wonderful friends that are coming along to help with rotations. Abby's care is all on me and she has to have an adult/family there 24/7 so I can't even leave to pee if I had to without some one to watch her while I step out for a moment! I will be sleeping with her these nights on a top notch fold out chair, so maybe a prayer or two for my lower back to not flare up up would be nice. I will be checking my e-mails daily so please feel free to e-mail me at hislittlelambs@msn.com if you'd like. I will try and update her blog there with any new news. Thanks all for your continued prayer for my little lamb!

The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made. Psalm 145:13

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